Product Code: ALMD2204
EW, EW-CL, CADI, MA, Housing Supports (aka GRH), Medicare, managed care, private pay, long-term care insurance—do you know what these letters mean and how they affect your senior housing, home care, and other long-term care businesses? This session will review available programs and payment sources and what is and is not covered. In addition, you’ll gain a greater understanding of customized living and what steps you can take to make sure your Elderly Waiver clients receive the services they need.
This webinar is part of the 2022 Assisted Living Education Series.
Workshop objectives
- Understand the major payors and programs for LTC services in Minnesota
- Understand the basic eligibility requirements and billing processes for the major programs
- Understand the future policy directions that the state of Minnesota is implementing
Todd Bergstrom
Director of Research & Data Analysis, Care Providers of Minnesota
As Care Providers of Minnesota's Director of Research and Data Analysis, Todd's duties fall into two general categories. First, he provides members with data, analysis, and other research items upon request. These requests may include Medicaid and Medicare rate analysis, demographic information, compensation data, survey development and analysis etc. Second, Todd supports the Association's legislative and administrative advocacy efforts through the research analysis of legislation and regulations that may impact the membership. Previously, Todd has held positions at the Minnesota Legislature, Minnesota Planning, and the Stevens Group. He has a BA in History and Political Science from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and an MA from the Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus.
CPM Service Corporation has contributed funds to offset part of the costs for the Assisted Living Nurse Managers' Education Series & the Assisted Living Managers' & Directors' Education Series
Original Air Date: 03/24/2022
Length: 90 minutes
Category: Senior Housing, Assisted Living, & Home Care
Category: Payment
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