ICAR infection prevention audit tools from MDH

By Michaun Shetler  |  March 3, 2023  |  All providers

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) Infection Control & Assessment and Response (ICAR) team has created infection prevention audit tools that include a suite of materials that have been designed and developed to assist facilities to conduct audits, record and analyze audit data, and use the information to develop an action plan. 

Each workbook is to be used in conjunction with an observation tool worksheet. The auditor records the occasion in which they observe Element Standards called “opportunities.” Data will track compliance and influence performance improvement efforts. 

The suite of tools includes observation tools and tracking tool workbooks for four elements that include the following:
  • Hand hygiene
  • Personal protective equipment
  • Wound care  
  • Environmental cleaning

An instruction manual is available and describes the features and element standards of each observation tool as well as the purpose and actions to be completed in each workbook.  

Michaun Shetler
Michaun Shetler  |  Director of Assisted Living  |   mshetler@careproviders.org  |  952-851-2484