
Care Providers of Minnesota works on your behalf, advocating for Minnesota's long-term care providers, caregivers, and the residents & tenants they serve—but we can't do it alone. YOU can help by getting involved through grassroots and staying updated on events, using the information and resources provided below.


The 2024 Legislative Session began on Monday, February 12 and adjourned sine die on Monday, May 20.

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2024 Legislative Calendar

February 12—First day of the 2024 session
March 20—Care Providers of Minnesota's annual Day at the Capitol
March 22First committee deadline (for committees to act favorably on bills in the house of origin) AND second committee deadline (for committees to act favorably on bills, or companions of bills, that met the first deadline in the other house)
March 27–April 1—Legislature in recess for Easter holiday (begins March 27 at 5:00 PM; legislative activities resume April 2 at noon)
April 9-10—Legislature in recess for Eid holiday (begins April 9 at 5:00 PM; legislative activities resume April 11 at noon)

April 19—Third committee deadline (for committees to act favorably on major appropriation and finance bills)
April 22-23—Legislature in recess for Passover holiday (all day April 22-23; legislative activities resume April 24 at noon)
May 20—The legislature must complete its work of the 2024 session


Can we count on you to become part of the larger community and play a role in the future of older adult services? CARE-PAC is the political action committee (PAC) for Care Providers of Minnesota, organized to raise money and make political contributions to candidates and incumbents who support older adult services initiatives at the State Capitol. 

LTCI logo
The Long-Term Care Imperative
To be more effective at the Capitol with our legislative issues, Minnesota’s two long-term care provider associations—Care Providers of Minnesota & LeadingAge Minnesota—collaborated in 1999 to form the Long-Term Care Imperative. The goal of this legislative collaboration is to advance change in older adult services. The Imperative continues its work to educate the public, media, and Minnesota’s lawmakers on the importance of transformation and change, making sure Minnesotans receive the right care, at the right place, at the right time.

Face Aging MN

Face Aging MN is a statewide campaign to raise awareness about the issues that accompany the reality of a rapidly aging society. Our goal is to create a conversation about aging that engages families, community leaders, caregivers and legislators, a conversation that ultimately leads to a smarter and better care model for older Minnesotans.
Visit website  |  Frequently Asked Questions


If you have any questions, comments, or need help with any advocacy issue, contact us!

Toby Pearson
Toby Pearson
Angela Garin
Angela Garin
Senior Director of Advocacy
Nicole Mattson
Nicole Mattson
Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
Charlie Peterson
Charlie Peterson
Government Affairs/Grassroots Specialist