Region Forums are a great way to connect (and socialize) with other local providers while you get caught up on the latest Association news, issues, and critical information. You are welcome to attend any of the forums held across the state.
#10 | "Face time" with Care Providers of Minnesota staff #9 | Live the scouting motto "make new friends but keep the old" #8 | Opportunity to introduce yourself to your peers in case you want to run for Association offices in the future #7 | You will always learn something new from speakers and/or colleagues #6 | Receive lots of useful materials to share with your colleagues at work #5 | Get the most out of your investment—you are paying for these meetings through your dues dollars! #4 | Networking opportunities that can't be replicated anywhere else #3 | Some of the meetings offer Q&A's with lawmakers and regulators—get your questions answered! #2 | Cheap "therapy sessions"—talk about what keeps you up at night! #1 | Free CEUs!
Click the map to find out.
Do you have questions about participating in a specific region, or general inquiries about the Region Forums? Feel free to reach out to one of our region coordinators: Region 1 Kari Swanson | 218-694-6552 | Region 2 Katie Collins | 218-850-0103 | Region 3 Matthew Fischer | 320-763-1133 | Region 4 Carolyn Hervin* | 320-252-9595 | *Region Representative to the Board of Directors Region 5 Brian Hinrichs | 507-629-3331 | Region 6 Ami Fuller | 952-361-6100 | Region 7 Beth Schroeder | 952-948-6901 |
Contact us for questions about Region Forums. Our toll-free number is 1-800-462-0024.