Coming soon—2023 CMS Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports

By Patti Cullen, CAE  |  September 22, 2023  |  Skilled nursing facilities

Next month, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will release two new Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports to post-acute care (PAC) providers in the home health (HH), inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF), long-term care hospital (LTCH), and skilled nursing facility (SNF) settings: the discharge to community (DTC) Health Equity Confidential Feedback Report and the Medicare spending per beneficiary (MSPB) Health Equity Confidential Feedback Report. The PAC Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports will stratify the DTC and MSPB measures by dual-enrollment status and race/ethnicity.

CMS will release the Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports through the Internet Quality Improvement & Evaluation System (iQIES) reports folders. Additionally, an educational webinar recording and fact sheet providing an overview of the Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports will be released alongside the reports next month on each of the following post-acute care setting’s webpages: 

Patti Cullen, CAE
Patti Cullen, CAE  |  President/CEO  |  |  952-851-2487